
Showing posts from August, 2018

Erwin Miyasaka: Guide to shopping in Tokyo

Like this post? Help us by sharing it! From department stores to flea markets across Tokyo’s myriad districts, tour leader Hugh Cann gives us the comprehensive lowdown on shopping in Tokyo. Plus, a few handy haggling phrases! Shopping in Tokyo So, you’ve been to Kyoto, Kanazawa, Nikko, Takayama, Hiroshima, Osaka or any of the other […] The post Guide to shopping in Tokyo appeared first on InsideJapan Blog . Ver fuente

Erwin Miyasaka: Aizu-Wakamatsu: Guide to the Samurai City

Like this post? Help us by sharing it! History buff Andrew Sinclair channels his inner samurai on a jam-packed adventure in little-known Aizu-Wakamatsu. Samurai City “Samurai City Aizu” – when I heard this slogan, I knew I was going to the right place. The samurai calls of feudal Japan are world-famous, and the word conjures […] The post Aizu-Wakamatsu: Guide to the Samurai City appeared first on InsideJapan Blog . Ver fuente

Erwin Miyasaka: Accessible travel: Japan for wheelchair users

Like this post? Help us by sharing it! Few know what to expect on their first trip to Japan, but travelling in a wheelchair requires a little more forward planning. Lorna and her husband share their experiences of accessible transport, accommodation and sightseeing in Japan. What made you want to go to Japan? L: We […] The post Accessible travel: Japan for wheelchair users appeared first on InsideJapan Blog . Ver fuente

Erwin Miyasaka: Manhole covers: Japanese streetwear

Like this post? Help us by sharing it! There are endless things to see if you look up in Japan, but have you ever thought to look beneath your feet? A curious craze sees surprisingly beautiful manhole covers making their way on to t-shirts… Japanese manhole covers Japanese manholes aren’t everyone’s idea of Japanese art, but […] The post Manhole covers: Japanese streetwear appeared first on InsideJapan Blog . Ver fuente

Erwin Miyasaka: Ice cream tour of Japan: 5 top flavours

Like this post? Help us by sharing it! With the heat of Japanese summer rising, travel consultant Anna, found the most delicious way to stay cool. As with many things, ice cream is a little bit different in Japan – step aside vanilla, there’s some new flavours in town. Ice cream in Japan Food is undoubtedly […] The post Ice cream tour of Japan: 5 top flavours appeared first on InsideJapan Blog . Ver fuente

Erwin Miyasaka: Hiking the spiritual Mount Tateyama

Like this post? Help us by sharing it! Mount Tateyama: Heaven or Hell? Hagino Baker puts on her walking boots to learn about this much-fabled and mysterious part of Japan. Tateyama Mt. Tate, or Mount Tateyama, at the border of Toyama and Nagano prefectures, is one of the three Spiritual Mountains in Japan; along with […] The post Hiking the spiritual Mount Tateyama appeared first on InsideJapan Blog . Ver fuente

Erwin Miyasaka: Quiz: What type of Japan traveller are you?

Like this post? Help us by sharing it! We would never suggest travellers can be categorised, but if you don’t know where to start planning your Japan trip, this handy quiz (and perfect procrastination tool) will give you somewhere to start. Before you book, do you research… A) Popular routes B) National Parks C) Exclusive […] The post Quiz: What type of Japan traveller are you? appeared first on InsideJapan Blog . Ver fuente

Erwin Miyasaka: Yakuzen: Healthy train travel in Japan

Like this post? Help us by sharing it! As far as Japanese public transport goes, nothing competes with the shinkansen (bullet train), but tour leader Mark Fujishige has found no end of novel ways to take to the tracks. As one of the world’s healthiest nations, perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised by the Yakuzen Resha […] The post Yakuzen: Healthy train travel in Japan appeared first on InsideJapan Blog . Ver fuente

Erwin Miyasaka: Cycling in Japan: Awaji Island

Like this post? Help us by sharing it! Earlier this year, InsideJapan directors Alastair Donnelly and Simon King donned their Lycra to spend a few days exploring the little-discovered cycling hotspot of Awaji. What’s so special about Awaji? Awaji is an island nestled in the eastern part of the Seto Inland Sea, between the main […] The post Cycling in Japan: Awaji Island appeared first on InsideJapan Blog . Ver fuente